
An information compressor in a pale blue dot.

GSOC2017: RNNs on tiny-dnn

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are now central to many applications, from speech recognition to Computer Vision. Some examples are Image captioning, Visual Question Answering (VQA), autonomous driving, and even Lip reading.

During this Google Summer of Code, I have extended the tiny-dnn framework with an RNN API, thus making it able to train on sequential data, where data points depend on each other in the time domain. Performing these extensions in tiny-dnn is especially challenging (and fun) because:

  • The library is growing fast, thus making the pull requests obsolete really fast.
  • The library was initially thought for simple feedforward convolutional neural networks, thus only caring about input, output, weights, and biases.
    •  However, RNNs do have also hidden states which must not be fed to the next layers but to the next timesteps. Thankfully, tiny-dnn contemplates a third type: aux vectors, which perfectly fit for hidden states.
    •  Another related smaller issue has been the fact that RNNs usually use multiple weight matrices. The only implication of this has been the modification of the fan_in and fan_out functions in layer to accept indices for each weight matrix (important for initialization).
  • Handling sequential data inputs.
  • Decoupling the state handling from the cell type. Namely, being able to change the recurrent cell (RNN, LSTM, GRU), and reusing the code to forward or reset the multiple timesteps.
  • Gradient checks were initially thought to work on the whole network, comparing with the loss function, and using a single weight matrix. I had to create a new black box gradient check, and modify the initial one to handle multiple weight matrices.

The milestones of this project have been:

  1. Creating a functional rnn cell.
  2. Creating a wrapper for batching sequential data.
  3. Extending it to LSTMs and GRU
  4. Providing working examples and documentation.

Which are summarized in the following main PRs:

  • #768: Single step recurrent cell.
  • #806: Full RNN API with state transitions, LSTM, GRU, examples, and docs.

And the following minor PRs:

  • #818: Blackbox gradient check.
  • #848: Gradient check with multiple weight matrices.
  • #856: Guess batch_size from gradient vectors (because non-recurrent layers have batch_size = sequence length * batch_size.
  • #776: Transition to size_t.


A new simple RNN API for tiny-dnn. Creating a recurrent neural network is as easy as:

network<sequential> nn;
nn << recurrent_layer(gru(input_size, hidden_size), seq_len);

Where recurrent_layer acts as a wrapper for the recurrent cells, i.e. gru, rnn, or lstm, defined in cells.h. This wrapper receives data with dimensionality (seq_len * batch_size, data_dim1, data_dim2, etc.), being the sequential dimension the leftmost in row-major order, and iterates seq_len times. These are the most important methods:

  • seq_len(int): sets the sequence length.
  • bptt_max(int): sets the max number of steps to remember with Truncated Back-Propagation Trough Time (more info here).
  • clear_state(): clears current state vectors.

In test time we do not need to save all the state transitions, thus, we can set the sequence length to one and the bptt_max to the desired number of steps to remember.


Two examples have been provided:

  1. Two-number addition: A model that learns to add two given numbers.
    Input  numbers between -1 and 1.
    Input number 1: 0.1
    Input number 2: 0.4
    Sum: 0.514308
    Input number 1: 0.6
    Input number 2: -0.9
    Sum: -0.299533
    Input number 1: 1.0
    Input number 2: 1.0
    Sum: 1.91505 # performance is worse at the extremes
    Input number 1: 0
    Input number 2: 0
    Sum: 0.00183523
  2. Char-rnn gitter bot. Trains a recurrent model on a gitter room history. This example is based on Karpathy’s char-rnn example, i.e. training the model to predict the next character from the previous ones. It includes:
    •   Training Code.
    •   Testing Code.
    •   Python wrapper.
    •   Gitter API helper functions with PyCurl.
    •   Three-layer GRU with 256 hidden units trained on tiny-dnn/developers with Adam:

It also autocompletes usernames and references other users:

> @tiny_char_rnn karandesai-9
tiny_char_rnn: 6 @bhack @beru @bhack @/all how about the network definitely in
decided on data

We can use temperature to make predictions more certain. These are some outputs of the rnn at different temperatures (without any user input):

> t=1.0
decai-9 change bhack @karandesai-96 @beru @beru @bhack @/acb96 @beru @beru @beru
@beru @beru @b
han @edgarriba @bhack @beru @beru @beru @beru @beru @beru @beru @beru
> t=0.75
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This work has been done under the supervision of @edgarriba, @nyanp, and @bhack.

Final thoughts

Apart from giving me the opportunity to contribute to an exciting open-source project like tiny-dnn, this Google Summer of Code has allowed me to deepen my knowledge and understanding on the topics of my Ph.D. If you are eligible, I totally recommend you to apply.