20 Apr 2016I decided to share this script I was using in order to accelerate the training of neural nets making them to gather data in parallel. So I wrote some tests to check it performs well its basic functions and commented the code a little bit.
It depends on the following libraries (they can be installed with luarocks):
- threads
- hdf5
- cutorch (will be optional in the future)
Given an hdf5 file with a dataset of 4D (e.g. num_examples, channels, height, width) data with 2D label data (e.g. num_examples, labels), it provides a class for asynchronously getting miniBatches:
require 'hdf5reader'
local params = {} -- params is a dictionary with the parameters:
-- params.nthread = number of threads (default = 1).
-- params.njob = max number of jobs (default = 1)
-- params.cuda (default = false)
-- params.batchSize = batchSize (default = 1)
-- params.postprocess = postprocessing function (default f(x) = x)
-- params.hdf5_path = path of .h5 file
-- params.data_field = database name for data. (default = 'data')
-- params.labels_field = database name for labels. (default = 'labels')
-- params.num_dim = index of the dimension containing all the images (default = 1)
-- params.h_dim = height of the image (default = 2)
-- params.w_dim = width of the image (default = 3)
-- params.cha_dim = index of the dimension containing rgb (default = 4)
-- params.shuffle = wether to shuffle data !!Overhead do not use with already shuffled data¡¡ (default = false)
asyncReader = AsyncReader(params)
This will initialize the class and copy the necessary information to the thread pool. Then one can call asyncReader:fetchData()
in order to make a thread to retrieve a batch from the database. This is an asynchronous call so other code can be executed while the batch is being prefetched.
At the point where we need the data, the blocking call asyncReader:getNextBatch()
can be used in order to get the data and labels tensors. Memory is allocated once at the class initialization and thus the returned tensors always reuse the same memory. In fact, tensors are duplicated so that one can read and write the retreived ones while a thread is filling the other ones.
If any error, doubt, etc. please tell me.